Originally Posted by Nordinho
I've got to agree on the header, I would make it a bit smaller. I do like the houses setup at registration. Perhaps you could make the welcome box collapsible, that'll save you a lot of pixels (so your content is visible earlier). I would get rid of the default (status)icons. There are many available here on .org in the template area.
The color scheme is easy on the eyes, however I've always got a 'dark' idea when I think about HP. Lastly, I would suggest to use VBadvanced (it's free and offers a lot of integration), so your main site will blend in with the rest. Hope this helps you.
Well, you wanna do that for me? I'm not using vBadvanced, navigate to hpcommunity.co.uk and you'll see that I already have a front page.
The status icons are modified. They originally said CNN, but the style author made a modification to them.