Could vbseo be interfering with this? Also, if your forum not in root, what settings do you recommend? Getting the error below. Allthough a post on gets made. Just not in Twitter.
Warning: curl_setopt_array() [function.curl-setopt-array]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in [path]/bitly.php on line 141
{ "errorCode": 0, "errorMessage": "", "results": { "": { "hash": "bi7V5B", "shortCNAMEUrl": "", "shortKeywordUrl": "", "shortUrl": "", "userHash": "d0s0TB" } }, "statusCode": "OK" }
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'BitlyException' with message 'Invalid JSON-response' in /home/ Stack trace: #0 /home// Bitly->doCall('shorten', Array) #1 /home/ : eval()'d code(20): Bitly->shorten('http://www.domain...') #2 /home/ eval() #3 /home/ require('/home/dom...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/ on line 196
I tried the full path, however then I get this error;
Fatal error: Class 'Bitly' not found in /home/ : eval()'d code on line 19
btw; using vb3.8