Originally Posted by y2ksw
No problem - things that happen. Your complaint forced me to try it on 4.0.1, and by the way I also added the pending suggestions.
Yes, I was wondering if it was possible to move the whole discussion to 4.x and leave a redirect here, since nothing has changed but vbulletin ... 
I'm not sure exactly how things work here, but if it were me I'd start a new thread in the vBulletin 4 Add-ons forum with the initial post containing the latest version for download and most of the instructions in the OP here - also add a reference back to the 3.x version for the benefit of members. Otherwise, people looking for 4.x mods may never know that this exists.
Once you've done that, identify the specific threads here referencing 4.x and PM a moderator or admin to ask to have them moved or copied to that new 4.x thread.