Allow to publish posts in this forum to Facebook?
Allow to publish Prevent publishing (turn off or disable, based on Global Setting) Turn off publishing options (if they are shown) Disable publishing completely
Page ID to publish feed when new thread posted
Normally, your page URL is in the form of "", so the Page ID is the sequence of number "1234567890"
Page Owner Facebook UserID
This Facebook Profile must be connected with a forum Account with Offline Access permission granted!. If you wish to publish to Page using Page Account itself, ask the Page Owner to visit this page: To get the Facebook UserID of a user, you can visit his/her Profile, move your mouse over "Send [name] a Message" (under Profile Avatar), copy the link, it is in the form of "", so the Facebook UserID is "987654321"
It's that i dont understand its not as easy as you may think especially as it comes across as double dutch to me :s