Originally Posted by djbaxter
I installed your new version using overwrite. No banners.
I completely ininstalled the add-on. Then re-installed it. Still no banners.
When I installed the newest version, two ACP menu itmes weren't phrases (see attachment).
I guess I neede to try to find another solution. Pity. This one worked well in 3.84.
Originally Posted by y2ksw
You didn't upgrade the files
The XML for the menues is twice as large now, due to about 12 new entries. Probably also the other files are not upgraded.
Please check you are actually replacing the files on your server. Some FTP require to first delete and then upload the files in order to upgrade.
My apologies. It wasn't your add-on; it was just me.
I can finally (and happily) confirm that it is indeed working in 4.01. I just needed to go back and read the instructions a little more carefully.