Originally Posted by BSMedia
My Error seems to be fixed.
A couple of suggestions.
Create another new template called fseokeywords.css or whatever, and move all your inline styles out of the middle of pages and make a call to include it at the end of the headinclude template.
Yep - all good suggestions, I will update it tomorrow to include these ideas, thanks!
Originally Posted by ahmedbehiry
my forum encoding is in arabic (windows-1256).. and the tags are in utf-8 .. is there a way to fix this?
Yep, I will fix that in tomorrow's release, I hadnt actually considered other encodings.
Originally Posted by Gene Steinberg
My problem is that the text for search terms seems to all be in the same type size. But at least no more errors.
Im going to sort that out as well, its kind of an extension to the suggestions above anyway, will be in the next release (tomorrow)
Originally Posted by Gnoll
( Can you check it for a minute ? )
what is wrong in my forum , what i am making wrong ? - installed as you write
it all looks ok to me, but Im struggling to find your forum with any search queries! The plugin depends on traffic to get to your pages already using google, then it increases the position in google of the query term.
can you post a page on your forum that you can find, with a search on google?