mm... I could try, but would probably fail miserably. Have a read of
[Edit] OK - I'll have a try anyway:
A simple example is tossing a coin and picking the outcome (Heads or Tails) the probablility is 1 to 2 (or 0.5) of getting either, so teh odds may well be 1 to 2 also (although in real life the bookie may make the odds more in his favouir so her makes a profit). In gambling 1 to 2 means to win 1, you must be 2. Your original bet is also returned if you win.
Say you put $10 on heads at 1 to 2 odds. In order to win 1, you must bet 2. Given we have bet $10, we will win $5 if the outcome is heads, you will also get your original $10 back.