libe chill out, this isn't the official forum. did you ask on
vbadvanced had that function, should be fairly easy to look into the code they used their and implement it into the new vb4 cmps.
i can't get much from the link you supplied. doesn't really look anything like a cms to me, but i'm guessing what you are looking for is a box in your cms that displays just a post with a picture.
question, when you say picture, do you mean attachments that people upload to posts? kind of like the way they did it here with the articles:
or like this on the right side where it says watch vegie videos:
i think it's already been done for vb4, but i'm not sure. are you on vb4 or vb3.2-8?
i think this is a breakdown of the code used for vbadvanced not sure if it helps, because i didnt look through it:
if you're using 3.2-3.8 you can just use vbadvanced and use the attachment tag on cms and it'll display the attachment where ever you put [attachment]
help doesn't always come right away on here, but don't worry, it comes eventually.