There seems to be an issue with tabs sub links as follows:
1. I have created a menu tab ("Business") pointing to a section on my cms. For THIS_SCRIPT I put vbcms.
2. I then created a sub link called "Business Discussions" under the "Business" menu tab. I have no other sub menus under the business section (i.e I unchecked all boxes under the Sections to Display in Navbar Sub-Menu).
3. I do have sub menus to sections under my homepage of cms.
4. If I go to the homepage of the cms, the "Business Discussions" tab sub link shows up on top of the other sub menu items on the cms homepage.
I think it's related to my putting vbcms as THIS_SCRIPT when I created the menu tab to the section "Business". Also, as noted in a previous post, if I click the "Business" menu tab, both homepage and business tabs are highlighted.
The first attachment is shot of cms homepage. Note the overflow of sub menu links and double highlight of tabs.
The second attachment is shot of cms business section menu tab with the tab sub link created using mod cp.