Sorry, this was for the CMS and I certainly have a long way to go before it is ready to template and use hooks to place in the forum home.
Opps... Yep this is why I put this out here for the pros... The code is set for no /forum/
So to fix, check slider.php
Find these two lines:
PHP Code:
$link = "../showthread.php?t=".$threadid."";
$imagepath = "../attachment.php?attachmentid=".$pic['attach'];
and make:
$link = "../forum/showthread.php?t=".$threadid."";
$imagepath = "../forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=".$pic['attach'];
You may need to adjust this line:
PHP Code:
as well
1. Images, yeah I make sure my event posts have 400px or less... I'll have to investigate resizing...
2. Drop the tabs... Hmmm, try this: near the bottom of slider.php.
between tabhtml and centerhtml add
tabhtml ='';
So you mean you are pulling in another .php file? Hmmm... No I have one div and one center and both are closed at the end.
You could simply drop the div and center statements and see if that helps?
That'd be great, but not right now...
It pulls from a forum and not the CMS.
Folks thanks for the feedback and I am truly sorry if this is a struggle. Again, I had this and other ideas of mine posted in the Programming section here but I got no feed back... So I posted this here to see what people thought.
I will do my very best to get this thing up to snuff, but this is also tagged as a free project so if someone else is faster at this than me - go for it...