Originally Posted by ageurtse
i have a template which use a css template but in the css template it goes wrong.
it doesn't get the stylevar from the list.
what do i wrong, when i fill in some values in the css file it all goes right.
I suppose its for your attachment hack.. (nice)
You defined the value in settings.. not in stylevars... (atleast in the 1.1 beta)
if you want user to be able to change size in settings..
what I would do is:
keep it in settings and in stylesheet use
height:{vb:raw vboptions.AJGattach_columwidth}px;
and makesure the styles are rebuildt after the admin changes the value.. (so that the css file is regenerated if user stored css as files.)
I think (not sure) that vboptions are available in stylesheets...
if not.. go to Stylemanger -> dropdown menu option: stylevars
and there
add a new stylevar to your product with data-type:size
as unit choose px...
then it will be available as a stylevar... and you will NOT need to add px manually in the stylesheet