This got me 90% to where I need to be. I look forward to future upgrades. I was actually thinking about to tossing out VB4 for my application or investing considerable effort to study the contextual menu system. This hack saved me loads of time and got me close.
I hope everyone will encourage the developer on this project. He is filling a great need! I just sent some money which is several times bigger than the requested amount, but represents a fraction of the time I would have spent hacking away on this.
My main request for the future is I'd like the ability to manage the subtabs under the cardinal tabs (Forum, Home, etc.) and possibly rename those tabs as well. Of course, I could over-write them and re-create them, but this might be faster.
I also did not get a chance to check out menus on the subtabs (like under Forum).
All-in-all the developer has found a sweet spot to add value.