A possible solution: A second install of vB.
Create a product for both the Live and Archive installs. (but have them use the same database, with different table prefixes)
The Live product:
- daily cron (Scheduled Task) to do the archiving
- have a cutoff (in days) for what threads will be archived (using the date of the last post)
- allow the marking of threads "no archive" to prevent archiving
- ignore archiving of sticky threads
The Archive product:
- daily cron (Scheduled Task) to clean up the archived threads/forums (i.e. build_thread_counters, forums via build_forum_counters and build_forum_permissions)
- lock down most scripts on the arcive install ( only these would need to be accessible: index, forumdisplay, faq, search, image, showthread, showpost, actions, archive, misc )
If you use Sphinx Search, you would have to do a seperate install for that as well.
This would need to be able to detect changes to the thread tables (and post table) due to other products.
To make this work flawlessly, you would need to find a way to allow access to the Archive by members that are already logged into the Live install.
If I had the time, I would see if this could actually be done.