Originally Posted by djbaxter
When you first implement a bounceback strategy, yes... but it needs to be a strategy where members with bouncebacks due to invalid email addresses are moved to a separate emmber group (I call mine Inactive). Then, when the newsletter goes out, the Inactive group is not included in the mailing list.
Once you have that set up and working, the effort to maintain it is minimal. Now I get a few bouncebacks each week and I change the usergroups for those members to Inactive if the bounceback reason is "no such address" or "no account for that user". This takes perhaps 5 minutes at most.
Not on a high traffic site. I have manually processed 20.000 bounced addresses. THat indeed took care of a lot of problems. But after that, there are still valid email accounts that turn into invalid ones and each mailing results in a large number of bounced mails to process.
Please read the article in my signature:
How to keep your board from getting blacklisted as a spammer
It covers this issue.
It turns out that this is a huge issue as many vbulletin boards have been banned by large email providers, without even knowing it. More and more webmasters are discovering this.
I am starting to suspect that large email providers are actively reacting to vbulletins flaws in this respect. vbulletin as a whole is generating a massive amount of emails to invalid email addresses. Its a serious spam issue.