Originally Posted by chick
Same here all mine still say this even after a fresh install, and I have extraction enabled.
From my
earlier post, it's likely you have the same problem I did. The fact that you're getting "YouTube- Broadcast Yourself." means extraction is on and working it's just that you're hitting YouTube's spam protection page, which has that as its title.
EDIT: Ok, it's YouTube - because a lot of requests have come from my domain they show a verification page where you have to enter a code before the actual content is shown. This verification page has the title "YouTube - Broadcast Yourself." Not sure if I can get round it but thought I'd report it in case other people hit the same thing.
I have fixed it on mine by editing the plugin code so that it uses YouTube's API to retrieve the video title. The code is clunky and I'm not really a coder but if the author or someone else wants to check it out they'd be very welcome.
Failing that it's a case of contacting YouTube to see if they'll remove your site from their spam list.