Originally Posted by pjdaley
Is it possible to add to the list of "You were the:" dropdown box i want to add an: N/A option but cant seem to find those settings in the DB or the files ?
why would you need this?
Originally Posted by Fastbird
Hmm, I'd like to change the way the itrader info is displayed in the postbit. Ideally, I want to make it more like it used to be, where it was just iTrader: (score number). Can you tell me where to find the code to change that?
Also, there is a small typo in the memberinfo_block_cat_itrader_stats template.
You have this:
<td class="bocksubhead" align="center">{vb:rawphrase itrader_member_profile}</td>
You are missing an "L" in block. So, obviously the corrected spelling would be:
<td class="blocksubhead" align="center">{vb:rawphrase itrader_member_profile}</td>
Thanks for reporting this typo.
You will have to change this plug-in:
iTrader Navbar Link (postbit_display_complete) (strange.. why is it called like this?^^)
Search for:
PHP Code:
$this->post['addition'] = ($this->post['itrader_pcnt']) ? ', ' . $this->post['itrader_pcnt'] . '%' : '';
$template_hook[$this->registry->options['itrader_postbit_location']] .= '<div>' . $vbphrase['itrader_feedback_score'] . ': <a title="' . $vbphrase['itrader_total_feedback'] . '" href="' . $this->registry->options['bburl'] . '/itrader.php?' . $session['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $this->post['userid'] . '">' . $this->post['itrader_total'] . '</a> ' . $vbphrase['itrader_feedback_reviews'] . $this->post['addition'] . '</div>';
Replace by:
PHP Code:
$this->post['addition'] = ($this->post['itrader_pcnt']) ? '' . $this->post['itrader_pcnt'] . '%' : '';
$template_hook[$this->registry->options['itrader_postbit_location']] .= '<div>iTrader: <a title="' . $vbphrase['itrader_total_feedback'] . '" href="' . $this->registry->options['bburl'] . '/itrader.php?' . $session['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $this->post['userid'] . '">' . $this->post['itrader_total'] . '</a> (' . $this->post['addition'] . ')</div>';
PHP Code:
$template_hook[$this->registry->options['itrader_postbit_location']] .= '' . $vbphrase['itrader_feedback_score'] . ': ' . $this->post['itrader_total'] . ' ' . $vbphrase['itrader_feedback_reviews'] . '';
PHP Code:
$template_hook[$this->registry->options['itrader_postbit_location']] .= 'iTrader: ' . $this->post['itrader_total'] . '';
should look like:
iTrader: X (XX%)