Originally Posted by Big-Pete
Edit: Well, I 've changed the info on tapatalk to point to my test site and it doesn't verify with the code above added to the bottom of the header template, and if i add it to the top its breaks the header as no header image shows and the login info is on the left hand side instead of the right..
Hi Big-Pete,
The verification process (basically it make sure everything setup correctly and if not it will show you what's wrong) has nothing to do with the location of the code you mentioned.
Are you able to login to tapatalk and reinstall it with the updated instruction? We updated the package so it's no longer load any files from our server (and so to avoid potential performance issue when our server is overloaded). We are not google so we are not going to beef up our server instead we will make it competely self-contained in your server and no dependency to us.