I have the previous version, 4.5f, which does run successfully via a cron job, running on 4.01. It required some modification of the installation instructions but it does work. I expect you should be able to get this version running as well, although as the coder noted the cron capability doesn't work.
1. Edit product-Commbull.xml and find the following line:
PHP Code:
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.0" maxversion="3.8.99" />
Change to:
PHP Code:
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.0" maxversion="4.99" />
2. Upload the files and import the product.
3. Now you need to do the template edits so that members can opt-in or opt-out of your newsletter. The current instructions are as follows:
4. Template modifications
Template: "Modify User Option" -> "modifyoptions"
PHP Code:
<td><label for="cb_adminemail"><input type="checkbox" name="options[adminemail]" value="1" id="cb_adminemail" $checked[adminemail] />$vbphrase[receive_email_from_bulletin_board_staff]</label><input type="hidden" name="set_options[adminemail]" value="1" /></td>
PHP Code:
<td><label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull" value="1" id="commbull" $checked[receivebulletin] />$vbphrase[receive_email_from_commbull]</label><input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin]" value="1" /></td>
<td><br />$vbphrase[newsletterformat]<br /><label for="commbull_type"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull_type" value="1" id="commbull_type" $checked[receivebulletin_type] />$vbphrase[type_email_from_commbull]</label>
<input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin_type]" value="1" /></td>
Now, obviously this won't work in 4.x. These need to be modified as follows:
1. Edit Template:
"Modify User Option" -> "modifyoptions"
PHP Code:
<vb:if condition="$show['friend_email_request']">
<label for="cb_receivefriendemailrequest"><input type="checkbox" name="options[receivefriendemailrequest]" value="1" id="cb_receivefriendemailrequest" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.receivefriendemailrequest} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_friendship_req_email}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivefriendemailrequest]" value="1" />
PHP Code:
<vb:if condition="$show['receiveemail']">
<label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull" value="1" id="commbull" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.receivebulletin} />{vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_commbull}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin]" value="1" />
That first part (above) is the option to receive or not receive the newsletters.
Next would be the option for HTML or plain text emails, which should be:
PHP Code:
<vb:if condition="$show['receiveemail']">
<label for="commbull_type"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull_type" value="1" id="commbull_type" tabindex="1" (vb:raw checked.receivebulletin_type} />{vb:rawphrase type_email_from_commbull}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin_type]" value="1" />
However, I was unable to get that second option to stick, for reasons which escape me. I could check the box to specify HTML, which is far superior, but the next time I enterd my settings page, it was always unchecked again.
What I did instead was omit that second entry entirely. That means that everyone who gets the newsletter will receive the HTML version (the default option), but frankly on my forum it was extremely rare that anyone did not opt for HTML, since it has live links.