Im messed up somewhere. I have it enabled for ip and emails addresses, and disabled for usernames. I have it so its supposed to log and block registration if either match the data. Query connection timeout is set to allow registration.
To test this after installing I tried signing up with a listed spammer information on the stopforumspam site. It logged that the database match the entry but it still allowed registration due to policy it says. Another weird thing is that i have email verification on and after signing up it said I need to verify my email. This should have put me in the "Users awaiting email validation" group. However it did not. With no email validation I was able to take the spam account and post on my forum with no email error messages. The user I made was directly promoted to a regular user but I have no such promotion set up. Some real issues for me right now.. Also I have no language reference to frontend erorr text. What is going on? I uploaded all the files in the package for 3.8.x and also uploaded the product xml file. Any ideas for me to check into?
The reason query connection timeout still allows registration is in case stopforumspam goes down I want people to still be able to sign up.. Just now double checked something else too.. SQL did not execute on product import.. Tried it manually and it returned sql syntax errors.