Ok... so pretty much you can still use all the files that are included in the thing you get from 123flashchat..I upgraded from 3.8.4 to 4.0.1 publishing suite so all the files I had were already uploaded. Now, in forum.php look for this...
// ### TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS #################################################
Before that line of code, add this:
// 123 flash chat server begin
include "includes/functions_chat.php";
include "chat/flashchatconf/config.php";
$rooms = '';
$user_list = '';
$chatters = getChatters($running_mode, $free_server_path, $room_name, $primary_server_host, $chat_data_path, $chat_group);
$user_list = getChatterList($running_mode, $free_server_path, $room_name, $primary_server_host, $chat_data_path, $chat_group);
if($running_mode != 3){
$show['room_numbers'] = "There are <b>".$chatters ['room_numbers']." </b> rooms.<br>";
$show['connection'] = "There are <b>".$chatters ['connections']." </b> connections.<br>";
$show['logon_users'] = "There are <b>".$chatters ['logon_users']." </b> users logged on.<br>";
$show['user_list'] = "Currently logged in: <b>".$user_list." </b><br><br>";
// 123 flash chat server end
Now, go to Admin CP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Edit Templates and open up the Forum Home Templates then edit FORUMHOME.
Now search for:
<div id="wgo_legend" class="wgo_subblock">
Above it, add this:
<!-- 123 flash chat server begin -->
<div id="wgo_stats" class="wgo_subblock">
<h3><img src="images/misc/123flashchat.gif">Chat Statistics</h3>
{vb:raw $show[room_numbers]}
{vb:raw $show[connection]}
{vb:raw show[logon_users]}
{vb:raw $show[user_list]}
<!-- 123 flash chat server end -->
and there is your chat statistics for vB4 without the chinese spelling errors!!