Originally Posted by BBR-APBT
Ok so you added this to your post since my reply.
Full disclosure:
Yes, the image hosting site is owned by me, and the site itself does include ads....but there are no ads on the dropdown script, so there is no advertising included in this mod. Your users will simply upload an image from their computer, then get the bbcode to place the image in your forum.
So let me get this correct. I put this code on my navbar. My members upload a image thinking it is going to my site, when it is actually going to yours.
Then when they get there to get the BBcode they are greeted with ads.
Then they have to find their way back to my site and paste the BBcode in to a thread or post.
Seems like to much trouble with the attachment system and photobucket and what not.
This is pretty much useless to any site owner.
Sorry for any confusion here. The disclosure was in the original post...but that's really besides the point.
Yeah, the template mod is really just an iframe of a script on the uploader itself. The uploader is a separate site. The original intent of this was to have any upload place to easily put pictures and place them in the forum. That's really all it's intended to do...make it easy to take something on your computer and give you an easy copy/paste code to put the pic on your site.
The uploader site is running a completely separate script package I got over 3 years ago...I'll see if I can find the original package or the license information for that if you all want it.
That being said, the text that's currently being offerred after the upload is a thumbnail version that is also a link to the full version.
I'll look at making a modified version of the script that will instead just give you the full size picture.