Originally Posted by ps2wiz
Great mod, and everything works great for me besides this simple problem.
Only directly after I login I receive this error, mind you it goes away and only appears on this screen.
Any help please?
I can confirm this error as well. It seems the mod is checking the wrong directory for the CSS file.
EDIT: Upon further investigation, it seems to be an issue with this bit of the product code (lines 345 - 357):
/*$output = preg_replace_callback('/"css.php\?styleid=(\d+)&langid=\d+&d=\d+&sheet=([^"]+)" \/>/', create_function(
'$sheets = explode(",", $matches[2]);
$ret = vbsc_sheet($matches[1], $sheets[0]);
if(count($sheets) > 1){
foreach($sheets as $sheet){
$ret .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"clientscript/vbulletin_css/style0000$matches[1]/$sheet\" />";
return $ret;
), $output);*/