Originally Posted by reimic
I can confirm this. I'm looking into it.
Originally Posted by kevinfx
is it possible to use at a link directory instead of downloads ?
That's possible if you want. There's a field to link to files (and you can disable the upload field with the usergroup permissions). And you can change some phrases from Downloads to Links
Originally Posted by shadowla05
any updates on [DownloadsII Create Thread Mod] or timeline? sorry 4 the random question just waiting 4 it thanx.
That's on my todo list.
Originally Posted by CyberZero
Oh no, I can Upload File, but I click button Download, and See error
500 Server Error
A misconfiguration on the server caused a hiccup. Check the server logs, fix the problem, then try again.
Please Help me
As the error says: check your Apache server log. What error is logged?
An internal server error can mean a lot.