Originally Posted by TunerNetwork
Just installed this mod. I have a few questions, or modification requests for it.
1. Can we have it so only certain usergroups can have access to the new pages we have created? I am looking to have some pages that paid members can upload stats to a database through, and therefore I only want a certain usergroup having access to the custom page I have created.
2. Is there a way we can have it so when you make a new page, it creates a new tab in your navigation bar? Essentially I want to create a home page for my forums with stat tables. So I want to make a custom page, and call it "HOME". Then that will be the home page of my site etc. And then the other tabs, or in this case other newly created pages, will link to "Team Stats", "Individual Stats".
This is exactly what I need for my site, but just a little bit more customization is needed. If you need to pm me, please do. I love this hack but just need to modify it a little for my needs/wants.
any update on this coming out? and when? love this hack, just need it to work a lil more for my needs.