Originally Posted by steven s
I'll download and install something but not click install.
I try it out for a little while and if it suits my needs come back and click install.
Originally Posted by southernlady
And just because I download it doesn't mean it gets installed, either...sometimes it just doesn't do what *I* want it to do.
Originally Posted by Azhrialilu
Same as many others, I download, try out then if I keep it on the site come back and mark it as installed. I'm all for supporting the guys who bring us these modifications, but I'm not going to mark something as installed if it's not 
Same here

I download and if it does what I need it to do then I mark installed otherwise I did not install it so why mark as installed OR have to come back and unmark it? I think the system is fine how it is and I'm a coder
Originally Posted by BSMedia
The install count is a useless metric that means nothing. It doesn't ensure the quality of a mod, how it works, if it's secure or any useful information other than to boost the ego's of coders so they can feel a sense of pride and self worth for releasing something.
Ego?? What is ego?
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
I find myself always clicking the install after I have tried and tested the script. I think it's just down to human nature for most to not install it or mark as installed to show their appreciation. I know from experience, I have downloaded and tried a script only to find it doesn't fit my needs so I personally think that marking as installed would give you a more inaccurate measure than it would now.
Let's face it, most people are ungrateful but then posting my own submissions here I'm not fussed if they mark as installed or not. I post for my own enjoyment and too benefit the few who have requested.
Edit: I voted No.
This is why I like Shelley

well minus the most are ungrateful comment (ahh let's be optimistic when we can Shelley
