found 1 teeny one.. on bpbrown there is 1 dark image missing in profile..
best seen with IE, as FF hides missing image..
But visibly it has HOMEPAGE as alt text....
As it is difficult to describe, better show with screenshots:
No profile hacks installed...
1. IE8 default style:
2. same Page.. just switched style to BPBrown:
Ah yes.. I never entered a homepage...
[edit]... That seems to be a vbbug.. the alttext is homepage in defaultstyle also, but the image is definitevely missing[/edit]
Thats the only thing I found...
PS: one little request for next version...
The inlinemod highlight color... it is pretty close to the comment or forum background color..
so admin has to look twice to see which post is selected... (its ok.. but a bit more different would be better)
thx again for your great work!
Originally Posted by csharrow
I have refreshed/cleared browsing data, and even tried it on another computer. After checking some more it only appears to be doing it on the 'home' page.
I cannot reproduce... works fine for me on HOME (Forum home AND CMS home)