Originally Posted by SecondV
In the next version, I will add an admin option to where you can choose if all user smilies are added to the editor, or just the current userid's smilies.
If you'd like to try that, could you test this for me?
In the editor_toolbar_start hook, titled "Setup The Smilies For The HTML Box", try replacing:
PHP Code:
foreach ($vbulletin->sv_mysmiliesvb AS $smilie) { //while ($i++ < $vbulletin->options['smtotal']) //{ $mysmilieurl = $vbulletin->options['mysmiliesvb_option_smiliesurl'] . "/mysmilie_{$smilie['mysmiliesvbid']}.gif"; $smiliehtml = "<img src=\"$mysmilieurl\" id=\"{$editorid}_smilie_9999{$smilie['mysmiliesvbid']}\" alt=\"{$smilie['smilietext']}\" title=\"{$smilie['smilietext']}\" border=\"0\" />";
eval('$bits[] = "' . fetch_template('editor_smilie') . '";');
if (sizeof($bits) == $vbulletin->options['smcolumns']) { $smiliecells = implode('', $bits); eval('$smiliebits .= "' . fetch_template('editor_smiliebox_row') . '";'); $bits = array(); } //} }
PHP Code:
foreach ($vbulletin->sv_mysmiliesvb AS $smilie) { if ($smilie['userid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { continue; }
//while ($i++ < $vbulletin->options['smtotal']) //{ $mysmilieurl = $vbulletin->options['mysmiliesvb_option_smiliesurl'] . "/mysmilie_{$smilie['mysmiliesvbid']}.gif"; $smiliehtml = "<img src=\"$mysmilieurl\" id=\"{$editorid}_smilie_9999{$smilie['mysmiliesvbid']}\" alt=\"{$smilie['smilietext']}\" title=\"{$smilie['smilietext']}\" border=\"0\" />";
eval('$bits[] = "' . fetch_template('editor_smilie') . '";');
if (sizeof($bits) == $vbulletin->options['smcolumns']) { $smiliecells = implode('', $bits); eval('$smiliebits .= "' . fetch_template('editor_smiliebox_row') . '";'); $bits = array(); } //} }
My members actually like the availability of using each others smilies so an option would be great just in case we ever want to hide them again.
Guess this way it's like a group effort in adding smilies to the selection.