The core has all the features required /at the moment/ It will at some point need expanding to support leaderboards and ladders.
My major focus for this mod atm is getting the user interface tidied up; i'm currently supporting 5 vb4 products and working on 3 Projects for university. This combined with getting my own site upgraded to vb 4 leaves me somewhat unable to make any predictions. In no particular order, my next 3 planned releases include a feature update for this mod, a none beta version of my advanced ip ban manager, preferably with some more features included and a version of my friendly url customisation mod that allows customisation of the uri as well as the start segment of the url. I also want to release some more games; go, checkers/draughts, othelo/reversi are high on my priority list due to their similarity to this mod (lots of reusable code :P)