Originally Posted by joopster
I got it installed but how do you actually move the pieces and set up two players against each other?
From the admin side; I'm going to assume you followed the install instructions and have managed to create a configuration and assigned it to a forum.
From there, you need to goto the forum you assigned it to; create a new thread. There will be a list of avaliable games to play on the post new thread form. Select the chess configuration you just made. Make a post, at this point it dosn't really matter what you say in it.
The thread will then display as a chess board, with a comments box at the bottom and a moves list at the side. Clicking any piece on the chess board will select it (red border) and selecting an empty space (or space containing an enemy piece) will move it there. You will notice that some characters representing the move you just made were put into the quick reply box and the move was added to the moves list. You may now add a comment to the quick reply box (maybe something like 'check' or 'good move') and post a reply.Only when you've posted the reply has the move become commited.
Anyone who views the thread can now see your move. By default the first two people to post valid moves become white and black respectivly, but you can change this by adding the string (option,white,<username for white>) and (option,black,<username for black>) to your first post.