Originally Posted by garretbyrne
Hey if you go into AdminCP and look for Post Thanks run all four counters that should do it for you.. Didn't for me but I made the mistake of removing it ages ago by mistake..
Hold on is there a way of getting the old count back in anyway??
I've found another sql with the old count how do i just import that ?? Cheers
[EDIT] I added them in manually... not the same but at least the counts there.. I didn't do it for everyone only the main people...
You could create a new database, back up your old back up. Then using something like phpmyadmin download the individual thank you tables. Then import the thank you tables into your current database for your active forum. That would probably work. You would still need to run an upgrade of the latest version of this addon though I would imagine after doing so. I can't guarantee that this will work but it is worth a try.
Originally Posted by SCSCSC
same prblm with me
1 - there is no thanks button coming
2 - the first post showing Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts one time
in second post its showing Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts two times
and so on
3 - i dont have any BBR - Useful Links on Member Action Dropdown
4 - i am having Add Ignore User To Postbit Dropdown plugin so when i disabled it its working fine but still i cant see thanks button
Did you uninstall the previous version? If you did you will lose your thank you score. What version of vbulletin are you using? This thank you version is for vbulletin version 4.