Originally Posted by Seven Skins
You will have to write a plugin to fetch data from database.
yeah....what this mod needs the most is the ability to accept the widgets from CMS, and forum blocks. Then.....this becomes the must-have, definitive, period mod.
That, and the ability for users to vertically minimize blocks they don't want, as well as admin's the ability to set some blocks to be non-minimizeable, and even the ability to assign permission for some usergroups to be able to edit it (like mods, editors, media staff, etc).
Most especially the ability to add the recent posts, recent blogs, recent articles widgets from CMS or forum. Please please please.
......can I pay you to add this? And to add code so there's a GUI, instead of tedious tempate edits for blocks? Needs an "add a left block", "add a right block" function like vB's sideblock does.
so much potential. $$$?