Originally Posted by tafreeh
hey there...
i m just confused for Forumhome Template edit 2
This is what i have
<!-- main -->
{vb:raw template_hook.forumhome_above_forums}
<ol id="forums" class="floatcontainer">
{vb:raw forumbits}
{vb:raw template_hook.forumhome_below_forums}
<!-- /main -->
and the instruction you provided for custom
<!-- main --> through <!-- /main -->
code was, quiet confusing for me...
as i have custom code, do you want me to leave forumhome as it is, and edit forumhometab... with what custom code?
i m sorry man... i just didnt get it well... can you help me out here..
you have default vB4 MAIN code, so all you need to do is replace the FORMHOME Template Main code with the MAIN Code that I included. then leave the FORUMHOMETAB Template alone.