Originally Posted by ryacine
Great mod indeed. I have a question if you allow me:
I am in a urgent need for a translation service and this mod works just fine, my problem is that I have different forum categories with different languages. But you can set only one language in the adminCP, so when translating, almost all other languages are ignored. IS there a way for a language detection?
Language detection is provided in paid version (please note that paid version will be ready for vBET 4.0 in Match). There language detection is made only when new new post arrives - not for existing one (for performance reason). So if you decide for paid version (after vBET 4.0 which will be in March) then you will be forced to edit existing posts in other languages and add special BBCode there. Paid version of vBET allows to write messages in different languages

If you have more questions about this version please ask here: