C+ code and vbulletin question
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I need help on this. I am workin on a site that is built on obtaining stats and screenshots from a video game, and is uploaded to the site. I am looking at making it so the stats etc are viewable etc on the vbulletin site. I remember on 3.x you could make new forms and pages etc and add your content. But basically I am looking to get an answer on the following:
We basically need to know if its possible to integrate .NET code/pages into the vbulletin create blank pages, without having to convert our pages from C# to php.+ Or will all freshly created pages have to be in php.+ We have a good deal of code behind that will be a bit of a pain to convert to php.+
Answers, ideas, solutions are wanted. I want to install 4.0 and be able to do this. I may be looking for hired help with this as well, but want to see if possible first.