Originally Posted by Ranger187
Wrong fix. You are in the wrong thread too. You should be in the MGC on VBAdvanced thread by Stagger..... He clearly explains how to fix it.
First... I apologize for for posting to the wrong thread.
Second... I did read Stangger5's thread and did try all of the suggestions in that thread too... They didn't work either. They worked for the previous version of MGCChatbox, but not for this particular upgrade. The fix that I posted above which you say is "wrong" WORKS FOR ME and might help out a few other people who are having the same issue I WAS having BEFORE applying what you consider "WRONG".
Now I know it's not the prettiest thing. I hate when things aren't tidy and neat but, this is how I was finally able to get it working after reading through hundreds of posts (Before posting my "fix").