Originally Posted by MEdwards
Figuring that we could handle any issues -- We installed 4.0.0 Beta4 on a live site 3.8.4_Pl-1 (never ever will make that mistake again) and ran into some problems. So, restored the 3.8.4_PL-1 backup and went back to work. A few days later installed the latest security fix PL-2, everything seems fine. Except looking at 3.8.4_PL-2 db noticed that there were 240 tables, the default 3.8.4 vB is about 150 tables.
So, put a copy of the then live db into a development db and attempted to upgrade to the 4.0.0_PL-1 -- Not able to -- since there were some 4.0.0 tables already in the 3.8.4_PL-2 db (don't ask me how this happened -- nothing in our operations log can explain this)
Now facing the task of writing/using a database comparison script to somehow clean the existing live db 3.8.4_PL-2 (cleaning version will be offline) back to a version of 3.8.4 that we can use to successfully upgrade to 4.0.
I wish there was way to import the current live data into a clean version of the 3.8.4 db (we have one from November -- before we started messing with the 4.0.0 beta4) I've looked at Impex and appreciate the info in this thread -- but it looks like we'd lose our deep links and search results and since this forum is over 10 years old -- we're loathe to do that.
Any other ideas?
I would open a support ticket and await an official response. If they are unable to help then I will suggest some ideas but due to the reasons you mentioned above and a few more Impex is a last resort and was never intended to be used as any form of upgrade tool. I only posted this because the few sites I used this method on had a fubared database due to a failed upgrade, there were never any guarantees and honestly we are lucky this even worked and that they have Live sites now. They knew the risks before we began and yet they have sites but this was Beta without support your Gold with it, submit a ticket, bare with them it's busy now for them and come back and see me only if all hope seems lost.
Good Luck & Sincerely,