Originally Posted by Logician
So if I understand you correctly, you want to take user to its usergroup's specific webtemplate when he logged in, am I correct?
Originally Posted by Logician
With some code edits I can think this is doable ... And since webtemplates do not have a seperate login system and basically use default vb login system, hacking the login system to give an forceful entry page would mean breaking this function of the login. Don't you think?
I don't have guests, only a small board for members only.
They all belong to usergroups 1, 2, 3, or 4.
But I don't know about the login system. You do. So I accept your advice.
Originally Posted by Logician
(BTW irrelevant but you don't have to create a different webtemplate for each usergroup if modifications are minor. You can just create one webtemplate for all and then use conditionals to display different content to different usergroups)
Depends on what is "minor."
This COULD be exactly what I need.
The differences are the same section of the page has different info. per usergroup.
For example a weekly timetable which is displayed as a table. That is different per usergroup though the layout is the same. Cell text content different and bgcolor different.
One group has a search form that sends data but that is also in a table.
Perhaps if you tell me the limitations on "minor modifications" I could understand what is possible, and do my design to fit the limitations.
I don't know how to do conditionals. But if you tell me where to look I will learn it.
Thank you Logician. You're great.