Originally Posted by movslow
lol, you didn't answer my question ?
I want the smilies in quick reply like I'm sure most others who d/l'd the mod.
All I'm saying, is that your instructions aren't very detailed or clear.
I can see other people are having problems due to the lack of instructions..maybe someone who has already installed this could give a better writeup, otherwise I can see this causing you a big headache for something that could be avoidable.

I didn't see anything wrong or can't understandably, As I see many users has already installed it with the current instructions without any problem.
Originally Posted by gbechtel
Ran into a problem with the edit to Showthread_quickreply.txt
The edit caused the information on the profile pages to disappear. The first tab was ok, but the "about me" tab and any that tab that followed had no information under the selected tabs. The only fix was to revert Showthread_quickreply.txt
Anybody else have this issue?
Can you take screen-shot of the problem ?