Originally Posted by CrosseyedGamer
I am loving this one. It was the colors we were seeking. However when you go to the inbox the fields are all shades of blue grey as if they are category headings. How does this get fixed?
Can you please take a screen shot of what you're seeing?
And to change the width, go into:
Styles & Templates > Style Manager > On the drop-down menu of Blues Fixed, go to StyleVars > Search "width" in the search box on top then click doc_width under "Common"
You can change the width there. You could also change it from a pixel width to a percentage with if you would rather have that.
Originally Posted by kevius
there is a bug when you push "answer" on a thread... it's the same action than "answer and quote".
You forget this code &noquote=1 in the template Showthread (top and bottom)
You must find {vb:raw LASTPOSTID} and you must write &noquote=1 just after
the good final syntaxe is : {vb:raw LASTPOSTID}&noquote=1"
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am uploading the updated skins now.