I don't know if this is the same thing I want.
I used a lovely script for years (on static pages) where the visitor could touch/ hover/ mouseover a highlighted word, and a little box appeared giving information about that word.
The function could either be for one page or lots.
Now there are lots of bits of vocabulary that people use that newcomers don't know. Being able to just tooltip read a definition really helps - so quick and easy.
The script I used let me choose the background colour and border of the box.
In a forum i can't access the header section of the page and such a function needs to work off the header. But I'm sure clever people here would be able to do that.
So the functions are -
1. Admin (or mods) set background colour, border colour, maximum size of popup boxes.
2. Mod (or authorised usergroup) can quickly, easily add a word to the Glossary list. A link at the side? Opens a form for adding text.
3.Then whenever that word appears it is highlighted. If touched the little box ops up with helpful info.
Admin/ mods optionally exclude certain types of pages/ certain sections/ some usergroups (though this is an advanced version)
Hope I'm not gatecrashing but this thread looked like it was this sort of thing.