Originally Posted by KURTZ
just tagged
hi mate i need an explanation about this point:
Regular Expression syntax in PHP, will check the input field and don't let the user to insert invalid data!
vBulletin admin help for regex:
You may require this field's contents to match a PCRE-type regular expression. For example, you could have a field that is for the user's ICQ number. Since ICQ numbers consist of only numerals, you could write a regular expression to check for non-numerals.
Example: (Do not start or end the expression with an escape character)
If you want to allow an empty response to be given, you need to account for it within the regex:
See PHP.net for more information on regular expressions.
Originally Posted by Destron
In your images it shows the avatar as well, how do I enable that with the plugin?
The Avatars are already enabled and shows if you insert the correct gamertag.
Can I see your website?