Ok, well I added the option in the SQL (added webcomic as an option in the
state row of the
album table) and figured out how to add it to the
album_edit template by doing the following.
HTML Code:
<div><label for="rb_albumtype_public"><input type="radio" name="albumtype" value="public" id="rb_albumtype_public" $formdata[albumtype_public] />$vbphrase[public]</label></div>
HTML Code:
<div><label for="rb_albumtype_webcomic"><input type="radio" name="albumtype" value="webcomic" id="rb_albumtype_webcomic" $formdata[albumtype_webcomic] />$vbphrase[webcomic]</label></div>
(Obviously I had to add the vbphrase
webcomic as well.)
Actually figuring out the php needed to update the SQL with the webcomic option seems to be kicking my butt though.
I tried adding a plugin at the hook album_album_update with the following code, although it was a total shot in the dark as I really don't have much of an idea as to what I'm doing and this is just edited code from the album.php file where I found code on updating an album.
PHP Code:
// if changing an album to a webcomic album, be sure we actually have perm to change it
if ($vbulletin->GPC['albumtype'] == 'webcomic' AND $albuminfo['state'] != 'webcomic')
$creator = fetch_userinfo($albumdata->fetch_field('userid'));
$can_profile_album = (
$vbulletin->options['socnet'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_socnet['enable_profile_styling']
AND $creator['permissions']['usercsspermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_usercsspermissions['caneditbgimage']
if (!$can_webcomic_album)
$vbulletin->GPC['albumtype'] = 'webcomic';
$albumdata->set('state', $vbulletin->GPC['albumtype']);
As you may have guessed, this didn't work. If there is anyone out there that may have any pointers for me, I'm all ears.
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Just tried changing the plugin to use the hook
album_album_edit and changed the code to the following:
PHP Code:
// if album is already a webcomic-type, show the webcomic-type option
$creator = fetch_userinfo($formdata['userid']);
$show['albumtype_webcomic'] = (
$albuminfo['state'] == 'webcomic'
Still no luck yet.