Originally posted by Christine
Ethan - my hat is off to ya! I will be moving this into production today.
Here are some additional notes for the optional template section - changing the column header and the wording of the redirect screen.
in forumdisplay/forumdisplay_forumslist and
Replace Moderator with Functions (or whatever tag you choose)
in redirection/redirect_markread
Replace with:
The forum(s) you have selected have been marked as read and the new post indicators will now be off.
Thanks. I'll add those and HTML-ize the instructions, as well as put an install script together. Anyone have the source for a good install script, like the one Kier uses?
Do tell me how it works in production and if you see any code tweaks that can be done. I'm working on a blogger hack right now, so my coding time is all difused