PHP Settings:
max_execution_time 30
memory_limit 314M
post_max_size 313M
upload_max_filesize 312M
max_input_time 60
MySQL Settings:
max_allowed_packet ( 313M in my.cnf) (328204288 according to 'show variable like max_allowed_packet'
max_packet_size Not set in my.cnf, not set in MySQL
wait_timeout Not set in my.cnf, net set in MySQL
I have been trying to understand why /etc/init.d/mysqld is not written to use all the settings in my.cnf ( like logfile statements ) but thats another thread.
I am going to bump my max_execution_time to 60 and see. Does that sound reasonable?
Thanks again for responding.
--------------- Added [DATE]1262982984[/DATE] at [TIME]1262982984[/TIME] ---------------
"I am going to bump my max_execution_time to 60 and see. Does that sound reasonable?"
No, thats not it. the file is still truncated at 16,384.
--------------- Added [DATE]1262983596[/DATE] at [TIME]1262983596[/TIME] ---------------
When I did a query on the ****attachment table, the file sizes were correct so I am assuming that the files attached correctly ands the problem is in the download.
Thats assuming quite a bit. The behavior is consistant with an incomplete attachment ( with no error message) but a filesize field that shows what the file should be and not what it actually is.
--------------- Added [DATE]1262986629[/DATE] at [TIME]1262986629[/TIME] ---------------
I can successfully run this code on the affected machine.
header('Content-type: application/flv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MyFileName.flv"');
I placed the flash file in the webroot with ftp.
Then I used this PHP page to download it. It downloaded completely and played without error.