Thankyou NLP'er, i was waiting for this, Only problem i've got is now when i generate a sitemap instead of getting the normal screen of info i just get the one line
[SECTION START] showthread [6,122.1Kb mem used] [1,112s (+1,112s)]
and the site map doesn't update, But when i remove this
//additional code
$alanguages = array ('be','ca','zh-CN','hr','cs','da','nl','et','tl','fi','fr','gl','de','el','iw','hi','hu','is','id','ga','it','ja','ko','lv','lt','mk','ms','mt','no','fa','pl','pt','sr','sk','sl','es','sw','sv','th','tr','uk','cy');
foreach($alanguages as $language) {
vbseo_add_url(vbseo_url_thread($threadrow, $p, $archived).'&language='.$language, $prior, $threadrow['lastpost'], $freq);
//end additional code
It works as normal
I'm running vb4 PL1 gold, VBSEO RC1 PL1 and sitemap 2.6 B1