Originally posted by AlkATRaZ
sweet thank you!
I just noticed one more little issue,
the max input for custom fields is 250 characters so if a user types more then that it cuts it off.. I've changed the max input value in the Admin CP to 1000 chars but it still cuts it off at 250, I guess vbb has an internal max of 250.
Thank you very much for all of your help, I really appreciate it Treszoks.
That's a database limit. Custom user fields are stored as type char(250).
This means the field can literally hold 250 characters and no more.
Even if you try to set it higher, it won't work, because the database is limited to 250.
It's not a VB inherent thing.
If you MUST have more space, you'll have to add a new table to the DB manually and set the type to mediumtext or something.