Dont forget to sign your forum up to
BerryBlab .99 / 0.11 - Jan 07, 2010
- removed signature from berryblab listings, no need to see it was posted from berryblab if you are alreadying using it
- added check to see if user is logged in or not, if not,given the option to login
- added "friendly" failure messages
- added automatic log in if the user was logged out for whatever reason
- added "post check" when posting a new thread / reply, to tell the user if the post made it to the board or not
- fixed a bug on line 133 of utilities
- changed berryblab to work with PHP 4+ instead of PHP 5
- seperated "login infO" and "forum options" inside of the app
- changed the "more" button for easier use
- added "add forum" button if there are no forums listed when you start berryblab
- allowed you to save your login credientials even if they don't log you in (incase you change your password)
- added a "verify credentials" button to make sure your login works
- this is a "release canadidate"
LANGAUGE Support fixed the encoding bug, now Supports all Languages (encoding types) include Arabic! (Thanks to "Log on" for the fix)