It's copy/pasted verbatim from your post.
And I know it's counting threads... I did a comparison of Total Posts, Total Threads and "New Threads Today"
I posted a new thread, and then a normal reply.
Went back and checked the numbers.
Total Threads and New Threads Today both went up the exact same number.
Total Posts went up about 15 more than the others.
It IS counting threads.
What it is NOT doing is resetting at midnight.
Right now it says we have 6689 total threads... and 900 new today.
The only problem is... It's 4am server time. (Central Standard)
We don't get 900 threads a day in any day, even if we get attacked by a flooder. And this stretch of time is our slowest by far.
50 new threads a day is impressive. We normally get between 150-200 visitors a day. They do not start many new threads, as a rule.
Basically, something's wrong with the date cutoff...