Originally Posted by meissenation
Did you make the change outlined in the installation instructions to the required hook?
Originally Posted by Chuk
Thanks for developing this mod, which is really great.
But I have one problem when using it
When there is a link in a post like this [URL="http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHOT_enAM350AM351&sourceid=chrome&ie =UTF-8&q=vbulletin"]http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHOT_enAM350AM351&sourceid=chrome&ie =UTF-8&q=vbulletin[/URL], and afterwards the post is quoted, in the quoted post there appear unnecessary symbols like "/".
The same post is normally quoted when AME 3 is disabled.
You can see this behavior here in my forum
Also I have noticed that this problem doesn't appear with all links, but I can't figure out this special cases.
Can you please have a look at this, and provide some help.
Ill see if I can replicate and fix tomorrow.