Couple of Random Questions
Hey guys, I've been working on a site for... well, quite a while now. I haven't made it officially open to the public but can be accessed for users who wish to join nonetheless. It's for web development such as graphic design, website layouts, coding, SEO, internet marketing, etc...
One reason I've claimed it not 100% ready yet is because I want to make it as flawless as possible before it's official release and want to have all of my features to work with ease.
Now, on to the questions--
This one may sound useless and slightly childish, but I'm going to have a paid membership on my site that allows users to use specific features but I'm also going to have a specific forum or even group of forums for paid members only.. I'm looking for a name for that usergroup so I'll also be naming a forum after it.
Reason behind this is because I want to add a little spice to it. VIP, Gold Member, Paid Member.. those all sound boring and would like something a little more catchy or just sound more interesting.
Another question I have is that I would also like to use a credits system such as vBExperience to allow users to use their credits/points to gain the aforementioned paid membership or any other usergroup specified, and/or to be able to view the forums without ads.
I was wondering if it was possible? I've never fully looked into vBExperience or any other points system.
Also, I've changed most of my images from .gif to .png (I'm still using vb 3.8.4).. was wondering if this was alright? I did it because I know .gif takes more resources with reduced quality while .png decreases use of resources and increases quality.
I may have more questions soon... but as of now, that's all I can think of. Thanks in advanced!